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QA can help to detect shortcomings in companies’ internal practices and address them

Internal processes and methodologies are crucial to improving the outcomes of your organization

An organization’s value can be developed through various aspects, among which improvement of internal processes and practices stands out. Continuous improvement is one of the fundamental pillars of any great organization.

Applying good practices and workflows within the organization is key to creating and enhancing a quality organizational culture that promotes the growth and solidity of your company, especially if your organization is in a sale stage.

A solid, reliable organization is grounded on its good practices and workflows, essential to increasing value over time. The value and quality of any organization in the software and IT industries can be developed with the help of Quality Assurance.

A major step to improve the quality of a company: an accurate evaluation of internal practices

By evaluating its internal processes, an entire organization can identify strengths and improvement opportunities to design a plan to raise quality processes subsequently. This plan will be designed to bring good practices to every area of the organization, aiming to enhance the performance of the different areas of the company. The outcomes of the evaluation also help in the decision-making process for the buyers of your organization.

What do we do with the evaluation outcomes?

Evaluation results determine which areas and practices are efficient and must be maintained, which ones should be improved to raise company quality, and what is currently not implemented and must be in order to enhance the organization's processes.

How a QA nearshoring company helps to enhance the quality and maturity of internal practices

In the software industry, the role of the QA team is no longer to simply ensure that the product is delivered defect-free. That is a given, but today for QA to be complete it must also support the organization’s strategic business aims and deliver business value through software testing and evaluations of the internal practices and workflows.

By having a trusted QA nearshoring company at your side, you and your team can guarantee that the organization will maintain its good practices even after a merge or acquisition.

Usefulness of evaluating internal practices

The fundamental principle of uqality’s evaluation is to diagnose the quality level of internal workflows and procedures that satisfy defined specifications. Evaluating good practices and bringing a QA team to work within your company will structure your business to produce consistent results, reduce inefficiency and meet customer expectations.

This evaluation makes possible the creation of an effective QA plan, which generates value by improving the efficiency of the production process through its focus on high-quality output. The significance of such a plan is reflected in increased repeat business from satisfied customers and in streamlined business processes that function efficiently according to well-documented procedures.

It is important to follow more mature Quality Assurance processes for both software testing and company practices.

From a business perspective, the QA team needs to understand the business process. This helps them identify which areas and procedures are critical for the company, and design the most suitable plan to improve them. These practices are often crucial in the selling of a company.

Advantages for managers and employees

Furthermore, a key part of this evaluation is that it offers both managers and employees an insight into the different levels of the company’s areas regarding best practices, procedures, and methodologies.

To dig into this statement, when employees can rely on the practices they implement and know what procedures follow to reach a higher level of quality, they can work with a high degree of efficiency because there is less variation in the process. The same is true for managers: they are enabled to know precisely what practices need improvement and have a roadmap to accomplish it.

Reducing costs, saving time and money

If the company passes a thorough QA evaluation, you can reinforce its reputation with your customers as a high-quality supplier and strengthen employee commitment to the program. Moreover, the company can reduce costs in overall business due to inefficiency and bad workflows.

This can be particularly convenient also to stand out from other companies at merger, sale, and acquisition times.

Selling the company, looking for investors, looking for opportunities to invest

Suppose you are thinking or already in the process of selling the company, looking for investors, or enhancing the company’s practices. We strongly recommend making the full uqality’s evaluation. You will get a complete report of the company's internal processes, workflows, and practices. It is an excellent idea to incorporate this valuable report into your company’s documentation for possible investors and buyers. You will be able to highlight to potential investors or buyers the good practices your company has implemented and the areas that they need to focus on in the future to achieve a higher quality level.

On the other hand, if you are looking for an opportunity to invest in the software industry, you can evaluate the company targeted before making a decision. You will have a clear understanding of where the business stands regarding good practices and internal processes.

Finally, suppose you are an M&A advisor working with companies and investors in the industry. In that case, you can take advantage of incorporating uqality’s evaluation and reports to bring more value to your clients.

Take a FREE quiz to evaluate your company

We invite you to make a short version of our assessment to know where your company stands regarding best practices. Follow this link to begin - it only takes a few minutes.

Take your company to the next level

Evaluate the internal processes and practices and improve them to take your business to the next level. The gains are tremendous and include better product quality, faster project deliveries, and optimized workflows and testing efforts. All these benefits lead to incrementing the real business value of your company.

QA experts don't just carry out software testing, even though this is a large part of their role. Don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more about how uqality brings value to your business in every area.

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